Hear Indiana Honors Patty Spitler at Second Annual Amplifier Awards
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Hear Indiana Honors Patty Spitler at Second Annual Amplifier Awards
Continue reading “Amplifier Awards 2016 – Honoring Patty Spitler”
By Jennifer Neer, Hear Indiana Board Member
I was nine years old. My sister and I were roller skating on a tennis court and I decided to skate as fast as I could. And I did – I was flying. Until a rope that was holding up the tennis net hit my chest and threw me backwards. I was dizzy, my head hurt bad. I was rushed to the hospital and it was discovered that I had fractured my skull. My ears were ringing, and I was so incredibly tired. I stayed in the hospital for a week and was home from school an additional week. It hurt to brush my hair, I had the ringing in my ears, and I noticed that I wasn’t hearing correctly in my right ear.